
“Art is the accomplice of love.”

—Remy de Gourmont

Boomerang: a jazzy new anthem for a manifesting world. Coming 5/21!

………………..The Why Behind the Music

I heard the words Enter Here. Then I did:)

LITTLE CHILDREN, co-written with Kip Fox and released on his new album, Right Time.

When the nest empties there’s This Empty Uhaul

Finding peace in the city thru the lens of Amie Hollman and the voice of Theron Jenkins.

What Are You Good For, God?

This is the only song I’ve released with my own voice. There may be more in the future. Until then, enjoy this prophetic word.

Even This

Adam Lamb slaying the vocals on a song we wrote together with Ben Lange and Benji Cowart at the first Songwriter Initiative Retreat May, 2022.

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