Sacred Tears

If you’ve never met me then you probably don’t know that I am the sort of person who tears up on a dime. Hallmark commercials, old hymns, the surreptitious squeeze of memory catching me off guard. People likely think that I’m depressed or unhinged, but the truth is I just feel things deeply and itContinue reading “Sacred Tears”

Rapid growth

I came across a lovely site today: Fascinating family. Art that connects, at least with me. This image——entitled “Hummingbird” by Rick Beerhorst——seems apt for a season of study where the mind races and the world disappears and the spirit soaks up a new language like a child. May your heart, too, quicken at theContinue reading “Rapid growth”

Favourable Wind

My daughter is at the airport as we speak, heading off to Colorado for a month of summer school to study drawing. It’s an exciting time but there has been some trepidation, as well, mostly about the chaos of the airport and the margin for error in getting from here to there. I turned toContinue reading “Favourable Wind”

Everyday aches & pains

Last week I had one of those bugs that didn’t fall neatly into a category. I wasn’t coughing or sneezing or throwing up. I didn’t have a fever. But I had body aches and a tension headache that made it hard to imagine that life would ever again be a source of comfort and joy.Continue reading “Everyday aches & pains”